News & Notice
Saraswoti Puja Holiday
Holiday on Shahid diwas and Sonam Loshar
Upcoming Events
09 Feb 2025; 08:00AM - 10:00AM B. Tech Food 1st Semester Internal Exam Starts from Magh 27 to Falgun 2 , 2081 |
25 Feb 2025; 11:30AM - 03:30PM MBS 2nd Semester Board Exam starts from Falgun 13 to Falgun 22 |
25 Feb 2025; 11:30AM - 03:30PM MBS 2nd Semester Board Exam starts from Falgun 13 to Falgun 22 |
25 Feb 2025; 11:30AM - 03:30PM MBS 2nd Semester Board Exam starts from Falgun 13 to Falgun 22 |
25 Feb 2025; 11:30AM - 03:30PM MBS 2nd Semester Board Exam starts from Falgun 13 to Falgun 22 |

About the College

"Learn, Explore & Lead"
“Our Vision & Mission”
To be an academic leader in discharging the deep social responsibility by inspiring individual in generating knowledge through scholarly creative and innovative endeavors which provides foundation to address the upcoming problems and challenges faced by human beings.
NIST Higher Education with the motto of Sanskrit ”विद्याधनं सर्वधनं प्रधानम्” has a mission to spread the advanced management and technical knowledge to the undergraduates and graduates making them capable and responsible citizen.
The College Crest

Unlocks human potential through education and training that opens doors to new opportunities.

Illuminates career paths with life-long learning and skills through the effective application of harnessed technological progression.

Demonstrates ability, skills and preservation of knowledge through the power of the written word.

Secures the elements through accredited education and training that is relevant and recognized.

Message from the Campus Chief
Dr. Madhav Pd. Baral
NIST Higher Education is a constituent entity of NIST Foundation. Three colleges namely National College(NC),National Model College for Advance Learning (NMCAL) and National College of Food Science and Technology (NCFST) established in 1998 and 2007 are currently offering various undergraduates and graduates courses with a dream to develop a deemed university, focusing exclusively on medicine, science and technology, management, humanities (IT) and
agriculture. These institutions have been created after the realizations of deep sense of the responsibility towards our nation and people. Hence, we’re on the lookout for not only the brightest and best student from all over the nation but we equally welcome to those economically weak with high academic courage to develop their potentiality as well.
Message from the Asst. Campus Chief
Mr. Nava Raj Heka
National college, NCFST and NMCAL are the integral parts of NIST Higher Education. We offer an ever-expanding range of contemporary courses designed to meet the needs of the each sector of the economy and the nation. Under the umbrella of NIST FOUNDATION, National College, NCFST and NMCAL are a premier institutions providing graduate and post graduate courses in the field of management, science and technology, humanities & social sciences and medicine. Colleges duly affiliated to Tribhuvan University are situated in Lainchour, Kathmandu heart of the city. Furthermore, we have an extensive network of contracts with institutions throughout the nation.
Our aim is to become one of the apex educational institutions in the republic of Nepal within the first decade of 21st century.